Elements of Educational Resource Mobilization to Improve the Quality of Education in Educational Institutions Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi


  • rapeepan panya มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • Ganratchakan Lertamornsak มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Composition, Resource, Educational Mobilization


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the components of educational resource mobilization for improving the quality of education in educational institutions. Under the Office of Secondary Education Nonthaburi Educational Service Area 2) to analyze the components of educational resource mobilization for improving the quality of educational institutions Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi The sample groups were 1) qualitative, which were key informants. The interview method was used by purposive sampling from the educational administrators who had knowledge. Experiences and empirical works in the field of educational resource mobilization were the key informants of 6 people. 2) Quantitative were the respondents. The samples used were from educational institution administrators and teachers under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi, amounting to 18 places by using a stratified random sampling method according to school size. Sample selection was obtained by comparing each population size with the total sample. The samples were 317 administrators and teachers, consisting of 14 school administrators and 303 teachers. The research tools were divided into 2 parts: 1) Content Analysis. and used to create a questionnaire 2) The questionnaire had a confidence value of 0.904. The statistics used in the data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation. Factor Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) The results of the research revealed that 1) the variables obtained from the research study on the components of educational resource mobilization to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Office of Educational Service Area Secondary Education, Nonthaburi 2) Exploratory Factor Analysis, the component of mobilizing educational resources to improve the quality of educational institutions. Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi with the method of extracting factors (Principal Component Analysis) to obtain important variables There is an important preliminary agreement. Variables are related and determined from the KMO and Bartlett's Test values. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. (MSA) is between 0 and 1 and the second test statistic is Bartlett's Test of Sphericity used to test the variables. Olkin Measure of Sampling) is equal to .699, which is close to 1.00, indicating the suitability and sufficiency of the data to be able to analyze the composition. 3) From the Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, the Chi-Square value has significant statistical significance. statistics Shows that the correlation matrix of the variables is related. This enables the data to be analyzed further, analyzing the elements or factors for mobilizing educational resources to improve the quality of education in educational institutions. Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Nonthaburi The preliminary agreement was Eigenvalues greater than 1.00, criteria for determining component variables with factor loading greater than 0.50, and from the correlation matrix and the correlation coefficient between variables were found. that All component variables (Factor Extraction) by component analysis (Maximum Likelihood) rotating component axis by Varimax method (Vairmax With Kaiser Normalization) have the agreed terms 4) The results of analysis by extraction of components (Factor Extraction) found that factor element variable A total of 6 elements can be grouped, and all variables have eigen values. (Eigenvalues) greater than 1.00 consisting of 1) Strategic plan with 10 variables explaining components 2) Leadership with 6 explaining component variables 3) Governance with 6 explaining component variables 4) Managing 6 explaining component 5) public relations There are 12 variables describing the components. 6) Confidence. There are 8 variables describing the elements.


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