The Process of Faith Cultivation and Wisdom Development Based on Theravada Buddhism


  • Wanchai Sonsiri มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย
  • Thanee Suwanprateep มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Process of Faith Cultivation, Wisdom Development, Theravada Buddhism


This dissertation contained 3 objectives: 1) study the faith cultivating for wisdom enhancement in Buddhist scriptures, 2) study the method of faith cultivating for wisdom development of Phramongkolsiddhajan (Luang Phor Ruay Pāsādiko), Wat Tako, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province, and 3) study the process of faith cultivating and wisdom development performed by Phramongkolsiddhajan (Luang Phor Ruay Pāsādiko), Wat Tako, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. It was qualitative research methodology, including fieldwork research and interviews with key informants of 21 participants.

The research findings revealed that Saddhā refers to the confidence which is the initial moral foundation for mental development leading to Nibbana or enlightenment in which one requires Tisikkhā practice including; 1) for Adhisīlasikkhā, Saddhā can subdue five hindrances through morality, concentration and wisdom practice for monks, and for laities, it functions as a moral base for the righteous living, refraining from all bodily and verbal misconducts, 2) for Adhicittasikkhā, Saddhā generates the mindfulness and mental concentration, and 3) for Adhipaññāsikkhā, it develops insight to realize the truth which leads to defilement and all suffering cessation. The process of faith cultivating and wisdom development performed by Phramongkolsiddhajan (Luang Phor Ruay Pāsādiko) Wat Tako, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province found that Luang Pho Ruay Pasathiko had strictly trained himself the meditation at first for right path, in which it causes the rise of faith from those who met, then he advanced such confidence for Triple Gems, religious objects and morality obey which is a guideline for individual and societal development with morality and right wisdom. The process of cultivating the faith and wisdom performed by Phramongkolsiddhajan (Luang Phor Ruay Pāsādiko) involves with four components: 1) Religious objects, he made the sacred objects as Buddhist symbols to establish the virtue at first, 2) Social welfare, he supports the self-reliance, promoting education, vocational training, infrastructure development cooperated with private and government units, 3) Public construction, he constructed various public facilities such as public parks and rest pavilions, and leading to 4) Buddhist Dhamma, he teaches people the suitable Buddhist teachings for practice and implementation in daily life. From study, a model known as ‘RUAY’ was developed, which can be used to promote the Buddhism dissemination and societal development effectively.


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