The Peace Process from the Perspectives of the People in Southern Thailand

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Padtheera Narkurairattana 0000-0002-1714-0320
Amporn Marddent
Fareeda Panjor


This research article focuses on the participation of people in conflict areas of the southern border provinces of Thailand in the peace process. Although this study is part of the Peace Survey 2023, it employs qualitative data analysis to understand perspectives on the peace process. The research results reveal dimensions of power relations among various actors at different levels. Additionally, the peace process faces challenges due to the limited negotiation space within the critical peace approach. The findings emphasize the importance of amplifying public voices in discussions, highlighting the role of public informants in various sectors who support and believe in the potential for free and safe public consultations.

Amid the political transition during the 2023 election period, which is linked to public hopes for progress in peace talks, the study found a significant challenge from the public's perspective: a lack of concrete results in the discussion process has contributed to the continued violence.

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How to Cite
Narkurairattana, P., Marddent, A., & Panjor, F. (2024). The Peace Process from the Perspectives of the People in Southern Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 22(2), 144–164. retrieved from
Research Articles



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