The survey problems needs and potentials of community in Kwan District, Khun Han District Srisaket Province.

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ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ไพศาล พากเพียร


                 The research to study the problem state, the needs and the potential of the community. A quantitative research method was used to survey. The sample group consisted of 314 family heads or representatives. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a five-level rating scale and open-ended questions. Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F test were used to analyze the data.

                 The research finding were as follows:

                 The overall community problems were perceived to be at a low level.  When considering each aspect of problems, the public utilities have the lowest average, and the occupational conduct has the highest average. The family heads who were different in gender and age were not significantly different in the problem condition. There are also other problems such as teen problems, unemployment, water shortage, unsustainable occupational group, waste, drugs, brawls, defective Street, unofficial debt, migration, and the issue of land rights documents in outside the area.

                 The overall needs of the community were perceived to be at a high level. Considering the individual aspect of needs, it was found that occupational skills and assistance from the sector were at high level. The use of local wisdom, the use of technology and production systems were at a moderate level. The family heads who were different in gender and age were not significantly different in the community needs.  There are also other needs such as career development, anti-theft, conservation and transfer of local wisdom, development of tourist attractions in the community (new way style), hygienic waste disposal, road improvements, drug solution, creating youth Leadership to strengthen communities, fitness equipment, sports, buffalo-plowing, debt settlement of household debts in appropriate form, and salted water solution.

                 Community-based potential for career loans. The potential discoveries include: The village fund (million fund), The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, There is also a savings bank, and the savings group of the people. In terms of culture traditions and beliefs include: The various traditional ceremony; tedmahachati, Ram-Sa-Eeng Ceremony, Saen Don Ta (Khmer Ceremony).  In the field of wisdom or local scholars include: The religious rituals (Buddhist and Brahmins), traditional doctors or shamans, astrologer, herbal and local medicine, weaving, local food, Thai food, music art, craft, carving, construction, agriculture, cultivation and management.

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Translated Thai Reference
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