The Effective Transformational Leadership Model of Academy Administrator under Office of the Vocational Education Commission in the Northeastern Region

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Nattawit Siriratchadanun


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current states and the needs of the effective transformational leadership 2) to construct the model of effective transformational leadership and 3) to evaluate the model. The sample group consisted of 370 academy administrators and teachers. The sample size was specified according to the Krejcie and Morgan table, drawn by using a multi-stage random sampling. The instruments included questionnaires, interview forms, and group conversation recording forms. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results revealed the current states and the needs were at the high level by the current states were at the high level while the needs were at the highest level. For the four principal components of the leadership model were 1) ideological influence by the administrators having the vision and intelligence 2) inspiration by the administrators having the self-confidence, and should develop subordinates to have higher potential 3) intellectual stimulation by the administrators having the thinking and good planning, and should encourage the subordinates to show more rational thinking 4) consideration of individuality by the administrators having supervision and assignment according to the ability, and should have personal interaction with subordinates. The evaluation of the model found to be at the highest level in all aspects, appropriateness, feasibility and utility.

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