A model for driving good governance to increase the efficiency of local administrative organization management in the northeast region

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วิชัย ลุนสอน
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yupaporn ํีYupas
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pakdee Pohsing


The purposes of this research were 1) to study management according to the good governance of local administrative organizations in the northeast region. 2) To study the efficiency of local administrative organizations in the northeast region, 3) To study the factors of good governance management affecting the efficiency of local government organizations in the northeast region. And 4) To establish and confirm a model for driving good governance in order to increase the efficiency of local administrative organization management in the northeast region. The research instruments in Phase 1 were questionnaires, sample groups used as prime minister and vice president of local government organizations, consisting of 795 people. The sample size was determined by using the finished table of Krejcie and Morgan. The research instruments used in Phase 2 were questionnaires for the appropriateness of the model for governance in order to increase the efficiency of the administration of local government organizations in the northeast region. The sample consisted of 20 experts with purposive sampling. The research found that

            1) The administration according to the good governance of the local government organization in the northeast is at a high level (=4.11), 2) Opinions about the efficiency of local government organizations in the northeast region were at a high level (=3.58),  3) The governance factors that affect the efficiency of the local government organization in the northeast region as a whole are (p≤ 0.000) morality, rule of law, check and balance, decentralization, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and worthiness with the multiple correlation coefficient being 0.574, and these could be able predict the efficiency of local government organizations for 56.2 percent by statistical significance at 0.01 level with standard error in the forecast is 0.306. And 4) The model for driving good governance to increase the efficiency of local administrative organization management in the northeast region namely; (1) The guidelines for the development of the rule of law consist of the careful operation of rules and regulations, and the supervisor must treat the subordinates with equality and justice. (2) The guidelines for the development of morals consist of cultivating an attitude towards working with honesty, sacrifice, patience, and awareness of working for the common good. (3) The guidelines for development of checks and balances are to support the inspection of operations to be in accordance with the standards and to promote the use of executive power seriously. (4) The guidelines for the development of efficiency principles consist of operations, taking into account the use of management resources to stimulate the operations to be completed on time. (5) The guideline for the development of effectiveness principles consists of encouraging the operation to achieve objectives. (6) Ways to develop cost-effective principles consist of raising awareness of maximum resource utilization and creating standardized output or services. (7) The approach to decentralization development consists of encouraging the transfer of work to community leaders to participate in operations and create awareness about decentralization for community leaders. (8) The guidelines for the development of the transparency principles consist of creating participation in operations, improving work systems and procedures, and disclosing accurate and straightforward information. This model is suitable for implementation with an average (Mean) between 4.14 - 4.67, Median 4 – 5, Mode 4 – 5 and the interquartile range were 1.00 - 1.50.

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