The Role of Administrators The Role of Administrators in Professional Teacher Development of School Under the Provincial Administration Organization of Sisaket

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สุภาพร ขจรประดิษฐ์



The purpose of this research was to study, compare and guidelines for improving the roles of administrators in professional teacher development under the Provincial Administration Organization of Sisaket according to variables, position, educational background and work experience

The sample group used in this study was administrators and teachers who perform their duties in schools under the Provincial Administration Organization of Sisaket. The sample size was 337 people. The instrument used in the study was a rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using software package. In finding percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and the paired average difference test using the Scheffe test method

The results of the research showed that

  1. The results of the administrators' role in professional teacher development in schools under the Provincial Administration Organization of Sisaket found that the overall result is in a high level.

  2. The results of the study comparing the opinions of administrators and teachers towards the roles of administrators in professional teacher development in schools under the Provincial Administration Organization in Sisaket Province classified by position, found that the overall were not different. Classified by educational background, it was found that the overall is not different. Classified by the overall work experience, it was found that the difference statistical significance at the level of .01.

  3. The results of the study, problems and guidelines for the development of administrators' roles in professional teacher development in schools under the Provincial Administration Organization of Sisaket summarized as follows

  4. Sponsors side found that the opinions of school administrators and teachers who suggested about the problems, most of them agreed that Administrators should create morale for teachers in the operation. Support and promote budget resources are limited. And support teachers to progress in their professions As well as encouraging teachers when they become discouraged in their work.

  5. Assessment side found that the opinions of school administrators and teachers who suggested about the problems, most of them agreed that Executives should listen to the opinions of personnel in order to improve operations. Including school administrators suggesting teachers to improve their work diversity And the teacher proposes that the school administrators should direct the teacher work directly.

  6. Facilitation side found that the opinions of school administrators and teachers who suggested about the problems, most of them agreed that Administrators should provide incentives and opportunities for teachers to develop the necessary skills to their full potential. Assign work to match the ability of personnel.

  7. Forecasters side found that the opinions of school administrators and teachers who suggested about the problems, most of them agreed that School administrators and teachers must study. Learn to keep up with the changes and apply. Executives should have a wide vision., optimistic and self confidence Including solving various problems in the school

  8. Adviser side found that the opinions of school administrators and teachers who suggested about the problems, most of them agreed that Administrators can help teachers about their duties. Listen to teachers' opinions. And support teachers for career advancement, while supporting materials and equipment that are conducive to teaching and learning

Keywords :  The roles of administrators,  professional teacher development,   under the Provincial

Administration Organization of Sisaket,

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Research Article


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