ปัจจัยส่วนประสมการตลาดด้านผลิตภัณฑ์ของสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวที่ส่งผลต่อ การตัดสินใจท่องเที่ยวเชิงธรรมชาติของจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี

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พิมุกต์ สมชอบ


The purposes of this study was to investigate the factors of marketing mix on products of tourist spots that affected decision making for nature-based tourism in Ubon Ratchathani province.  The samples for the study consisted of 400 tourists collected through multi-stage sampling based on proportional dividing the tourists from 14 spots; namely: 1) Pataem National Park, 2) Kaen Tana National {Park, 3) Phu Jong Na Yoi National Park, 4) Sirindhorn Dam, 5) Sam Phan Bok, 6) Chan Dai Cliff, 7) Sapue Rapids, 8) Taad Tone Waterfall, 9) Soi Sawan Waterfall, 10) Saeng Chan Waterfall, 11) Pattaya Noi, 12) Haad Ku Duea, 13) Haad Wat Tai, and 14) Haad Salueng.  Then the samples were selected systematically. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire with the IOC of .93 and the consistency index of .812. The statistical procedures for data analysis were standard deviation, mean and multiple regression.      

The findings of the study revealed that the tourists’ opinions towards the factors of marketing mix on products of tourist spots that affected decision making for nature-based tourism in Ubon Ratchathani province had coefficient correlation of .75, and with three predictive variables; namely: 1) reputation, 2) type of products, and 3) diversity. The variance was at 75% with statistical significance at the critical level .01. The tourists’ opinions towards the factors of marketing mix on products of nature-based tourism ranging by average means; namely: 1) on reputation, favor of tourist spots with historical sculpture at highest level; 2) on diversity, favor of nature-based tourist spots with variety of national parks at the highest level; and 3) type of products, favor of tourist spots with waterfalls at the highest level.        

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Research Article


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