Variables That Influence The Content of The Three-Year Development Plan of The Sub-District Administration Organization : A Case Study of Sub-District Administration Organization in Warinchamrab District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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กวิ๊ณกุล ธรรมสาร


This study aimed to investigate the factors that significantly influenced the content of three year development plans of sub-district administrative organizations and to examine the problems and obstacles associated with the determination of the content of these plans consistent with people’s needs. Mixed methodology consisting of qualitative and quantitative research was employed in the study. Data were collected by survey questionnaires, documentary research, and In-depth Interviews. The selected areas included nine sub-district administrative organizations in the Varinchamrab and Muang districts, Ubon Ratchathani. A total of 360 participants were selected and categorized into three groups, administrators, officers and employees, and village leaders. Findings showed that two factors significantly affected the content of the plans. The first of these was that the three groups believed that the needs of administrators had the most influence on the content. The second was the administrators and officers and employees agreed that the needs of city council members were the second most important influence of the content, and the village leaders believed that the needs and requirements of villagers were of less importance. In relation to problems and obstacles associated with the determination of the content of the plans, the study found that the content was inconsistent with the problems and priorities of each village. The content and the plans reflected only the needs of administrators, city council members, government policies, provincial plans, strategies, and district plans. The Department of Local Administration issued a regulation for consistency of three year development plans of all sub-district administrative organizations. Official letters concerning the regulations for the establishment of the development plans were issued every year but the regulations did not meet the real problems and did not lead to solutions.

Keywords: Development plan, People Participation, People needs, Administrator needs 

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Research Article


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