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เชาว์วรรธณ์ มหิศนันท์


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the professional learning community of the schools 2) study the instructional leadership of school administrators 3) study the relationship between instructional leadership of school administrators and the Professional Learning Community of the school, and 4) create a forecast of the school's Professional Learning Community under the office of Udon Thani primary educational service area. The samples were 330 teachers in the schools under the office of primary educational service area using stratified random sampling. The research instrument used in the research was a 5 rating scales questionnaire with the riliabilities of .982 and .979 respectively. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis The results of the research showed that 1. The professional learning community of school under the office of Udon Thani primary education service area was at the high level. 2. The instructional leadership, school administrators under the office of Udon Thani primary education service area was at the high level. 3. The instructional leadership of school administrators and the professional learning community of school under the office of Udon Thani primary education service area, had relationship. 4. The forecasting equation for the professional learning community of school under the office of Udon Thani primary education service area, by using instructional leadership of school administrators as a predictive variable 59.50 percent power, with the following equation.

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