The Develop Creative writing ability Critical thinking and attitude to learn the thailanguage For students in mattayomsuksa 3 by Learning Activities Using Open Approach

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อัญชลี คงชุ่มชื่น


Open teaching and learning activities are a way for students to think independently, think differently and be unique. The researcher agreed that Open learning management can improve the use of the Thai language to convey thoughts and feelings towards various things through creative writing. And promote analytical thinking as well as making students attitudes To study Thai as well. The purposes of this study were : 1) to develop creative writing ability of students in mathayomsuksa 3 with learning open approach management at least 80% of the students passed the criteria of 80% or more ; 2) In order to develop analytical thinking of students in mathayomsuksa 3 with learning open approach at least 80% of students passed the criteria of 80% or more ; 3) to study attitude to learn the thailanguage in mathayomsuksa 3 towards learning by Open Approach. The target groups are secondary school students, Grade 3/2 students, Kham Sakae Saeng school. Kham Sakaesaeng District Nakhon Ratchasima Province Under the jurisdiction of the Office of Educational Service Area 31, currently studying in the first semester of the academic year 2019, amount 40 people , Acquired by purposive sampling. The research instruments were 1) Open Approach of 9 plans, 2) Creative Writing ability test, 3) Analytical thinking test, and 4) Attitudes towards learning. Thai language The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. By using group sampling.
The research results are as follows :
Creative writing ability
Creative writing ability By using the Open Approach Plan of Mathayomsuksa 3 students with the Open Approach at least 80 percent of students pass the criteria 80 percent or more of the whole practice cycle 3 has Number of students passing The average criterion is 32 people out of a total of 40 students, representing 80 percent which meets the specified criteria which is 80 percent And with an average score (¯X) of all 3 operating circuits equal to 12.29 points from a full score of 15 points, representing 81.94 percent with a standard deviation of 1.08
Analytical thinking
The development of analytical thinking of mathayom suksa three students by open learning management (Open Approach) with 95.00 percent of students passing the criteria 88.67 percent.
Attitude towards learning Thai language
Attitude of Mathayomsuksa III Students towards Thai Language Learning With Open Approach overall at a very good level (¯X) = 4.67
In summary, the Open Approach helps develop creative writing abilities. Analytical thinking and attitudes towards learning Thai language very well Therefore should encourage and encourage teachers to adopt this teaching model Applied to organize activities Learning for students To develop creative writing ability Analytical thinking And the attitude towards Thai language to the fullest potential of each individual.

Keyword : Creative Writing, Critical Thinking and Attitude, Learning Activities Using Open Approach

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