Sustainable Integrated Tourism Development Potential in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Kanyarat Sirirat


The research aims to tourism resource audited in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province to analyze internal and external contexts of sustainable tourism development, and to find out the competency for sustainable integration tourism development. This qualitative research applied tools for doing research such as communication study, tourism resource audit, in-depth interview forms. There are 4 groups of sample groups with 32 people. The author gathered data by surveying, in-depth interview, participatory observation and focus group discussion. The results showed that outstanding natural attractions are Khaoluang National Park, Phromlok Waterfall, and Khanom Beach; cultural attractions ar Pramaha That Woramahaviharn Temple, Jedi Temple (Ai Khai), and Niello Wares; Events are Makha Bucha Day, Visakha Day, and Hea Pha Khun That; activities are Paying Respect to Pha That Muang Khon, Praying over the years, and Bullfighting; services are public transportation, accommodations, and restaurants. The results from internal and external context study showed that strength: location is at the middle of South East Asian; weakness: lack of marketing plan, and lack of destination management system; opportunity: it is the center and gate way for tourism in several and logistic; and threat: world and national academic regression, styles and tastes of tourists which continually change. There are diversities of natural attractions in natural resource competency. Competency of sustainable resource management can be defined by explicit integration tourism strategic plan. For community participatory competency, residents can participate in natural and cultural resources conservation. Competency of learning activity creation can be suitably created to touch the aims of tourism area.

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