The management of learning park of local administrative organizations

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ฉัตรกมล เจริญวานิช


The research aims to study problems and obstacles in the management of learning park of local administrative organizations in order to propose guideline for the management of learning park of local administrative organizations. This is qualitative research. The study was carried by interview with 22 key informants together with documentary research. Semi-structured interview form was employed as the research tool and the data was then content analysis. The results pointed that condition management of the learning park of the local government organization is mostly consistency with objectives of the establishment. However, management in some learning parks of local administrative organizations correspond with few objectives. (1) According to management process comprised of a plan to establish personnel in management of the learning park and set organizational structure. The administrators realized the importance of learning as well as follow up evolution. (2) Regard with management in human resource, it had the group of personnel with operational skills, tool and budget was contributed. The management was integrated between public and private sector in a form of hiring a private contractor. (3) In the operation of the provincial learning park,  urban locations or easily accessible place provided learning media, activities and a wide range of services to enhance learning. The director had vision and ability to collaborate with relevant networking as well as follow up evolution. The problems and obstacles were 1) executives, 2) bureaucratic structure, 3) preparation of human resource, 4) location and learning media. Guideline for the management of learning park of local administrative organizations comprised of 1) development of leadership and executive, 2) building networks, 3) providing opportunity for private agency in management, 4) appropriate and sufficient budget, 5) accessible location, suitable function for usage, variety of learning media, organizing and promoting activities that meet target group, and improving service that suit to context and environment.

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