Using Codes to Create A Protagonist in Shadow Play (Nang Bak Tue) By The Dong Phu Din-Dong Phu Daeng Environmental Group of Rasi Salai, Si Sa Ket หนังบักตื้อ” : การใช้รหัสในการสร้างตัวละครเอกของหนังบักตื้อ จากกลุ่มอนุรักษ์ป่าดงภูดิน-ดงภูแดง อำเภอราษีไศล จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ

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krit kamnon


This qualitative study aimed to learn the characteristics of using codes to create a protagonist and communication of theirs in shadow play (Nang Bak Tue) by the Dong Phu Din-Dong Phu Daeng environmental group of Rasi Salai, Si Sa Ket. Data collect and dataanalysis used were purposive sampling and snowball sampling.

          The study indicated that the structures of creating a protagonist were 1) preparation and choice for leather material used conveyer code which buffalo leather were used for Rama, Sita, and Ravana and barking deer leather were used for other staffs and clowns 2) screen sketch on leathers and design used conveyer code with simulation from characters in Ramayana 3) leather sculpting used message code with simulation from characters and interpretation by sculptor 4) painting and coating used context code with synthetic material and 5) holder making used message code with simulation of human movement to make any movements. Communication of characters in the play were diversed. Rama meant Philanthropist, virtue and dignity. Sita meant beauty. Ravana meant plenipotentiary, power, violence, strength, trick and gallantry. Kaew meant kindness, honesty and optimism.



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Research Article


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