Learning Achievement and Attitudes Towards Thai Literature of The Ninth Grade Students by Using Jigsaw Activities and Traditional Teaching Method

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Warakorn Meesuk


The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the learning achievement of Thai literature between students being taught by jigsaw teaching activities, and traditional teaching methods and 2) comparing the attitudes towards Thai literature between students being taught by jigsaw teaching activities traditional teaching methods! The samples in this research were 80 ninth grade students in the first semester of the academic year 2019, Matthayompuranawat School, divided into 40 students of experimental group which organized learning by jigsaw teaching and learning activities and 40 subjects of control group which organized learning by traditional teaching methods. The researcher conducted the learning by himself for both groups of students in 6 weeks; 3 lessons per week, totally 18 lessons. Research instruments included 1) The tools used in the experiment were the learning plans for Thai literature by using jigsaw teaching and learning activities and the lesson plan for learning Thai literature by using traditional teaching method and 2) The tools used for data collection were tests of achievement in Thai literature. And the questionnaire on attitudes towards Thai literature The statistics used in the data analysis process were finding the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) and t-test.  The results showed that 1) Students who learned by using jigsaw teaching activities had higher learning achievement in Thai literature than students who learned by using traditional teaching methods with statistical significance. at the level of .05 and 2) Students who learned by using jigsaw teaching activities had no higher attitude towards Thai literature than students who learned by using traditional teaching method.

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