The Design of the Ceramic Vase Collection from Isan Khit Patterns for Contemporary Thai Style House.


  • Teerayut Pengchai Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UdonThani Rajabhat University.
  • Rapeepan Dinkhoksoong Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UdonThani Rajabhat University.


Khit pattern , Ceramic, Vase , Isan , Contemporary , Thai style


This study aimed 1) to study Isan Khit patternsand apply into the design of product design, 2) to design the ceramic vase collection for the contemporary Thai style house, and 3) to evaluate the satisfaction of the target group towards the designed ceramic vase collection. The research instruments were an interview for interviewing informants including an Isan Khit pattern expert, a ceramic-vase design trendexpert, and an interior design for a contemporary Thai style houseexpert which was analyzed qualitatively and a questionnaire for surveying the satisfaction of 100 participants which was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics(mean). The result elucidated that 1) the Isan Khit patterns could be classified into 4 main groups including animal pattern, plant pattern, object pattern and ornament pattern. The patterns that could represent Isan Khit, and be distinctive and suitable for applying into the design consisted of Naga pattern, bird pattern, Kab pattern and Kabsao pattern. 2) The designed ceramic vase collection included 6 vases which were 2 small-sized table vases, 2 medium-sized table vases and 2 floor vases. The main material was stoneware clay formed into sheet before using compression-mold and underglaze-painting techniques.3) The result of evaluating the target group’s satisfaction towards 6 designed vases showed that there was a high level of overall satisfaction towards all designed vases (= 4.32). For the satisfaction towards each vase, there was a high-level satisfaction on the 1 st vase (= 4.39), a high-level satisfaction on the 2ndvase (= 4.34), a high-level satisfaction on the 3rdvase (= 4.37), a high-level satisfaction on the 4thvase (= 4.41), a high-level satisfaction on the 5thvase (= 4.33), and a high-level satisfaction on the 6thvase (= 4.45).


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How to Cite

Pengchai, T., & Dinkhoksoong, R. . (2022). The Design of the Ceramic Vase Collection from Isan Khit Patterns for Contemporary Thai Style House. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 1(3), 40–56. Retrieved from