Saw-Bang Phu-Tai : Technique of the invention and playing of Mr. Sitad Utto


  • Sanchai Duangbung College of Music , Mahasarakham University


Saw-Bang , Phu-Tai ethnic , Invention, Playing, Bamboo


Research-based article focused on the objectives of; studying invention and creation of Saw-Bang Phu-Tai, and the studying of Saw Bang Phu-Tai playing technics by Mr. Sitad Utto. By employing research toolsof in-dept interview guidelines, participative observation guidelines, the interview processed on one key informant who is the local musician of Phu-Tai ethnic. The findings are also included all invention and creation of Saw-Bang by Mr. Sitad Utto and his materials and equipment used of which are bamboo tube, fine sand, big knives or machetes, punching knifes, bike brake-wire, nylon line/stringand rosin. His invention steps are bamboo tubes selecting, bamboo bark scraping, fine sand filling, hole making, string fixing. His playing technics are playing the first and the second strings in the same time to makesound harmony in his melodies namely; Phu-Tai Yai, Phu-Tai Noi, Phu-Tai Loh Toob and the melody for Yao rituals and ceremony. 


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How to Cite

Duangbung, S. (2022). Saw-Bang Phu-Tai : Technique of the invention and playing of Mr. Sitad Utto. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 1(3), 1–14. Retrieved from