Developing a Platform to Promote Local Wisdom Learning in Kalasin Province


  • Bharamee Langkulanont Innovation for Local Development Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University
  • Suchada Surangkul Innovation for Local Development Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University
  • Sattra Moolvilai Bureau of Academic Support and Registration, Kalasin University


Platform , Local wisdom , Kalasin province , Craft , Folk music


Developing a platform to promote local wisdom learning in Kalasin province. The objectives of this study were to study and analyze information about the knowledge context of local wisdom in Kalasin Province. and assessment results of the local wisdom learning platform the research method is mixed research by studying relevant documents. informal interview in-depth interview focusses group discussions and participatory observation. The results of the research were as follows: 1) studying and analyzing information about the context of knowledge about local wisdom in Kalasin Province, it was found that the context of knowledge of local wisdom both in the past and with a long history has been inherited from generation to generation. The problems and obstacles transfer knowledge, local wisdom and others That is different for each group. in Praewamee group Young people turn their attention to more careers. in other groups There are still young people interested, less and less 2) The evaluation of the learning platform found that the issues with the highest evaluation are the content issues covered in each local wisdom accounted for 90 percent. In the evaluation of platform design, it was found that the issues with the highest evaluation were 3 issues: The point of being a learning platform that stimulates the thinking process. as a learning platform that stimulates interest in curiosity


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How to Cite

Langkulanont, B., Surangkul , S. ., & Moolvilai, S. . (2023). Developing a Platform to Promote Local Wisdom Learning in Kalasin Province . Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 2(1), 41–55. Retrieved from



Research Article