A graphic design for public relations of Udon Thani stray dog shelter


  • Piyathida Panboon Humanities and Social Sciences, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Mariya Songpanya Humanities and Social Sciences, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Thailand




Publicity graphic, Infographic, LINE Stickers, Stray dog shelter


A graphic design for public relations of Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter aims to study the context, problems and needs of Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter, Design graphicsfor public relations of Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter, andAssess the satisfaction of graphics for public relations of Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter. The information providers are 3specialists as theproject leader of Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter, the infographic design expert, and the line sticker design expert. Data collection used interviews and satisfactionquestionnaires from 100 peopleofthe target group in the Udon Thaniprovince. The result elucidatedthatUdon Thani Dog Shelter Center is a campaign to solve stray dog problems, and wants to develop public relations media to attract people in Udon Thani province who are interested in the solutions of the stray dog problem.Graphic design to publicize the Udon Thani Stray Dog Shelter, including line stickers, infographics, and souvenirswas taking inspiration from stray dogs to design 2D charactersin manner of friendly and cute by using warm colors and easy to read typography. The evaluation of target group’s satisfaction indicatedLine stickers were found to be appropriate, beautiful, and friendly at the highest level (x̅=4.71). The Infographic designs can convey useful information at the highest level (x̅=4.67) and the suitability of souvenir products is at the most good level (x̅=4.70).


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How to Cite

Panboon , P. . ., & Songpanya, M. . (2024). A graphic design for public relations of Udon Thani stray dog shelter. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 3(1), 15–29. https://doi.org/10.14456/tiat.2024.2