Sustainable water fund for the welfare of poor households and underprivileged people in Mueang district, Sisaket province : Planning, Establishment, and Model


  • Prajuab Janmouean College of Low and Government Sisaket Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Montree Pimjai Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Administration, Water fund, Welfare, Poor households


Subject research management model of sustainable Water Fund for poor and underprivileged household welfare, Muang district, Sisaket province.The objective is to create a prototype of a welfare fund.Use the issue of water management as a condition for fundraising. The study found that setting up a water fund for the welfare of poor households can be implemented under management in 3 forms; Structural Management, Horizontal Relationship Management, and Institutional management services under 2 conditions; Water Management Planning, and Use the database of poor people


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How to Cite

Janmouean, P., & Pimjai, M. . (2024). Sustainable water fund for the welfare of poor households and underprivileged people in Mueang district, Sisaket province : Planning, Establishment, and Model: . Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 3(3), 70–82. Retrieved from