Guidelines for developing the potential of faith-based tourism routes Through the dimensions of faith and belief in the Somdet Chao of the Songkhla Lake Basin


  • Cherdchai Ongsakul Institute for Southern Thai Studies, Thaksin University, Thailand
  • Sakrin Siriphatto Wat Ton Liap, Di Luang Subdistrict, Sathing Phra District, Songkhla Province, Thailand


Faith tourism, Dimensions of faith, Belief , Songkhla Lake Basin


The objectives of this research are 1) to search for roots, survey, and analyze the landscape. Related to the legend of Somdet Chao of the Songkhla Lake basin.2) To study guidelines for developing faith-based tourism. Through the power of faith in His Majesty the King of the Songkhla Lake Basin 3) To determine the route for faith-based tourism in the legend of His Majesty the King of the Songkhla Lake Basin. The research results found that Legend of the King of the Songkhla Lake Basin It can be defined as an important issue to be used as cultural capital for use in developing tourism potential. There are 6 points summarized as follows: 1) Belief in geography and the stability of life. “Stable foundation for life” Place of birth and burial of Somdet Chao Phakho “Wat Ton Liap” 2) Belief in good health Raising children is easy. Another important place "Napelle Monastery" 3) Beliefs in education, work, and finances at “Wat Dee Luang” if you come to pay homage It will help strengthen your position, duties, work, and finances. In addition, inside the chapel there is a Buddha image that villagers call by name. This Buddha statue says “Luang Pho Yim” or “Luang Pho Yim Hie Nok” “Phra Hie Nok” which means “Phra Six Fingers” if you come and pay homage will help strengthen your merit and prestige. and is auspicious for life in terms of "left over to eat, left over to use" 4) Belief in prosperity Wat Ratchapradit or Wat Pha Kho is the place where Somdej Chao Pha Kho stays for the Buddhist Lent. 5) Belief in protection from danger and safety. Idol of Somdet Chao Ko Yo. Buddha statue in the posture of Maravichai Beliefs of Ko Yo people It is considered a request for supernatural powers to inspire happiness. and enhance the prestige of protection as well. 5) Belief in safety, the image of Somdet Chao Ko Yo Buddha statue in the posture of Maravichai Beliefs of Ko Yo people It is considered a request for supernatural powers to inspire happiness. and enhances the prestige and protection as well. 6) Belief in miracles, the power of the tiger. Legend has it that Somdet Chao Ko Yai meditated and used his mental powers to lift large rocks and place them in an orderly manner. This kind of technique is called "tiger power". The results of the research found that the legend of Somdet Chao of the Songkhla Lake Basin Can be filtered to determine interesting travel routes as follows: 1) One Day Trip travel route to pay homage to the noble monks. “Following in the footsteps of Somdet Chao Ko Yo” 2) One Day Trip, a travel route to pay homage to the noble monks. “Following in the footsteps of Somdet Chao Phakho Stepping on fresh sea water” 2) One Day Trip, travel route to pay homage to the noble monks “Following in the footsteps of Somdet Chao Koh Yai” 3) Tourist route “Following the footsteps of the legend of Somdej Chao Songkhla Lake Basin” And in setting the direction for the development of spatial potential to completely increase the capacity of community tourism, namely "Dhamma Park following the birthplace of Luang Pu Thuat" which is divided into The “Three Dhamma Paths” include the natural path, the Dhamma path, and the cultural path. This will create completeness in the tourism routes that have historical stories. Legend of Somdet Phakho (Luang Pu Thuat steps on fresh sea water)Experience people's way of life Local food, local desserts and bring benefits to the community in creating jobs and careers to continue to happen in a sustainable way.


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How to Cite

Ongsakul, C., & Siriphatto , S. . . (2024). Guidelines for developing the potential of faith-based tourism routes Through the dimensions of faith and belief in the Somdet Chao of the Songkhla Lake Basin. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 3(1), 69–85. Retrieved from