Curriculum administration according to the Buddhist guidelines

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สายใจ คำทะเนตร


                This article aims to present the meaning of the course. Management definition The course management guidelines consist of Curriculum planning and course implementation; curriculum supervision; And course assessment and the principles in the course management are 1) Loving oneself (oneself) as a guarantee against various deteriorations 2) Loving people around for having a good relationship with other people and it is also a function that is appropriate for each other. 3) Love is not around. Is to help and support each other When there are all 3 virtues, this would lead to love and unity in work. Which affects the quality of course administration and educational management

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How to Cite
คำทะเนตร ส. . (2018). Curriculum administration according to the Buddhist guidelines. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 1(1), 50–63. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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