Proactive Leadership in 21st Century

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Phattharaphon Aranmala


               In the 21st century, there has been a lot of change from the past, both in terms of technology. socioeconomic environment These values ​​and beliefs are all connected. Consequently affecting each other throughout the world or globalization. (Globalization) education is the same. That must be moving forward and constantly evolving in order to prepare people to be able to live in this dynamic society normally. Therefore, governments in every country give priority to the development of education. This is in line with the United Nations that has set the second main goal in education. This is a goal that countries around the world have shared and must work to achieve in 2015, which is to provide children with an equal and universal primary education. The same is true for Thailand, although the Thai government pays more attention to investment in education at all levels. To give Thai youth the opportunity to receive a thorough education But the problem of the quality of education in Thailand is still more serious. The 2014 learning curve index results of students preparing for university entrance exams from 40 countries showed that South Korea ranked first, Japan ranked 2nd, Singapore ranked 3rd, Hong Kong ranked 4th. Thailand ranked 35. It was found that the important factor affecting the quality of education that the world gives importance is the quality of teachers, especially basic education, which has always affected the quality of our education.

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How to Cite
Aranmala, P. (2020). Proactive Leadership in 21st Century. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 3(1), 12–24. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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