Dhammakathikasutta: Success Formula for the Buddhist delegates

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Phramaha Wiruth Wirojano, Dr.


                The qualities of a Buddhist delegate must first be meticulous in the study of the Dhamma. (Santithiko) that the Lord Buddha has shown more than 25 Buddhist centuries (Akaliko) and then learn to understand (Ehipasiko) and incorporate those Dhamma as a guideline for their conduct (Opanayiko), which is considered the starting point for the study of Buddhism, called step with the process of remembering, telling, teaching each other to the end, and then leading to the practice of real enlightenment, until the success was achieved, the stage was enlightened by the first order, therefore will be used to teach others to follow, according to the way of showing the Dhamma as the Buddhist delegates. Which in the Tripitaka has shown the formula for success of being a good Dhamma holder in 3 ways as follows: 1) A good Buddhist delegate must show the Dhamma for distribution to loosen in order to get rid of the old, death, sorrow, reminiscence, suffering, sadness and resentment. 2) A good Buddhist delegate must show the Dhamma for distribution to loosen In order to eliminate becoming, attachment, craving, feeling, contact, six sense-bases, mind and matter, consciousness and Kamma-formations 3) A good Buddhist delegate must show the Dhamma for distribution to loosen to get rid of ignorance. The aforementioned principles therefore serve as the objectives of the teaching of the Lord Buddha as it appears in the Sangyuttanikaya Nidanavakkha scripture, the Holy Scriptures, Tipitaka Volume 16.

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How to Cite
Wirojano, Dr., P. W. . (2020). Dhammakathikasutta: Success Formula for the Buddhist delegates. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 3(1), 25–38. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/251403
Academic Article


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