The situation of Buddhists' propagation approach of Lao People's Democratic Republic

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Somsack Vilayphonh


           Buddhism has long been a strong force in Lao culture and remains a major influence in daily life. Buddhism defines the Laotian character. Lao Buddhists belong to the Theravada tradition, based on the earliest teachings of the Buddha Reserved in Sri Lanka after Mahayana Buddhism branched off in the second century B.C. Theravada Buddhism is also the dominant school in Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar.

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How to Cite
Vilayphonh, S. . (2020). The situation of Buddhists’ propagation approach of Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 3(1), 46–55. Retrieved from
Academic Article


Jeffrey Hays. (2008). Last updated May 2014. Retrieved from