Social Changes in the 21st Century

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PhraNatthawut Phanthali


                Social Change in the 21st century, the world has entered a society known as "Knowledge society" new knowledge occurs every day. And we can receive knowledge from many channels and quickly Is a world of technology and innovation Machinery and robots were imported to replace human labor The advancement in technology and information systems is an important factor that drives changes in the way of life of a human being. It is important to adapt to these changes. We must prepare. To be able to cope with social changes and various problems that will occur in the 21st century, many changes occur in Including life skills, politics, education, new civilization social systems communication park side and social networks. The life skills political education new civilization social system communication park side social network change is fast and it's hard to predict what will happen next.

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How to Cite
PhraNatthawut Phanthali. (2020). Social Changes in the 21st Century. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 3(2), 44–55. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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