Perception of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism

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Chanathip Srito


                According to the Buddhist Dharma's guidance the correct way to fix everything is to have confidence in the Ratnatara. Calm and strengthen, then use wisdom to look at the problem with the heart. To see according to its state and consider solving that problem which is the cause as a factor in other words, when having faith in the temple Thinking to solve the problem according to the four noble truths, that is, determining everything, investigating the cause of everything Aim for the state of exhaustion that will be achieved. Then follow the exact remedy to achieve your goal. It is called the 8-part way.

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How to Cite
Chanathip Srito. (2020). Perception of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 3(2), 56–69. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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