Working Environment of Personnel in Khon Kaen Provincial State Attorney Office

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Chanyanut Boonmala


               The objective of this research was to study the working environment of the Khon Kaen Provincial Attorney Office. It is classified into the social and psychological work environment, the physical work environment, and the management facilities of the executives and stability in work and in terms of compensation and benefits. The sample consisted of 139 people. The research tool was a questionnaire and analyzed data using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results showed that
                1. The personnel inside the Khon Kaen Provincial State Attorney Office, Most female Representing 63.3 percent, Most of them were aged between 31-40 years, accounting for 40.3 percent of them graduating with a bachelor's degree. Representing 69.1 percent. In addition, it was found that there was a period of time working in Khon Kaen Provincial State Attorney Office. They have the most working period of 11 - 20 years, accounting for 40.3 percent.
                2. The overall working atmosphere of the personnel of the Khon Kaen Provincial State Attorney Office was at a high level (= 3.76, S.D.=0.76) that had the greatest influence on work was in the physical work environment including amenities (=3.87, S.D = 0.76).

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How to Cite
Chanyanut Boonmala. (2021). Working Environment of Personnel in Khon Kaen Provincial State Attorney Office. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(1), 1–12. Retrieved from
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