Leadership of Buddhism in propagating Buddhism of monks in the present society

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Phra Silasak Buntong Dr.


                This academic article aims to study Buddhist leadership in propagating Buddhism by monks in the present society found that Buddhist leadership has related with leadership of reform theory follow all components are he is a good practictioner, good view  make benefit to social build motivate in effort support in positive thinking  to learning from working give the work as smoothly and he can communicate of leadership of Priests can include with the teaching of Buddhism such as Brahmavihara: holy abiding Sangahavatthu: bases of social solidarity Rajadhamma: virtuesor duties of the king Agati: wrong course of behavior Sappurisa-dhamma: qualities of a good man Papanika-dhamma; qualities of a successful shopkeeper or businessman Bala: strength Saraniyadhamma: state of conciliation.

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How to Cite
Phra Silasak Buntong Dr. (2021). Leadership of Buddhism in propagating Buddhism of monks in the present society. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(1), 56–74. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/251420
Academic Article


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