Tactics for Solving Conflict Problems by using the Tinnawatrakavinaya under the Framework of Athikaranasmatha 7

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Penphatcharin Pengporu


           In Thai society there are conflicts on many matters and levels. Conflict resolution is one of the most widely used concepts of reconciliation which are provided in the law from the constitution and many other laws. When researching and comparing harmony with Buddhist principles found that the suspension conflicts and disputes in Dharma have no reconciliation. There is only a revision "Cover it with grass or Tinavatharakavinaya"

            This article is therefore a comparative research on reconciliation in law and Buddhism in order to gain knowledge of reconciliation in another way as well as the process of suspending prayers by applying legal methods in accordance with the Dharma and Discipline.

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How to Cite
Penphatcharin Pengporu. (2021). Tactics for Solving Conflict Problems by using the Tinnawatrakavinaya under the Framework of Athikaranasmatha 7 . Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(2), 25–38. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/253692
Academic Article


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