Strategies for creating equality in the family according to Buddhism

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Phramaha Wiruth Wirojano, Asst.Prof.Dr.


      A family institution is a small social made up of husband and wife, children, and daughter unit that is an upper-class group of people to influence social development and lead to change for the nation and the world community. This requires a strategy or action plan that has been systematically drawn up in line with Buddhism which has various components consistent relationship. There is equality in those elements and has objectives that represent the collective will of all parties to carry out the mission which is considered as a responsibility to achieve the objectives set. In which here, I would like to introduce the principle of Samajividharma as a means of being equal as the basis for analyzing the issue of equality that is reflected in the sanctioned attitude from within and then manifest as a result of any constructive and righteous behavior until resulting in good results for family members who are small units and make the middle class society as well as the world community to a large extent have been affected by peace eventually bring peace to all of humanity as a whole.

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How to Cite
Phramaha Wiruth Wirojano, Asst.Prof.Dr. (2021). Strategies for creating equality in the family according to Buddhism. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(2), 39–54. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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