Tactics for Solving Conflict Problems according to Buddhist concept: A study of the Applied principles of Tassapapiyasika in Athikaranasmatha 7

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Sumate Insakorn


      This article is intended to study the Buddhist way of solving conflicts through the framework of the Athikaranasamatha 7 by applying the method of the Dharma and Discipline. This is a study of the approach to applying the strategy known as "Tassapapiyasika" according to Buddhism, which is the process and process of suspending the recitation in Theravada Buddhist scriptures. These processes and procedures can be called strategies because it is a method that will lead to solving problems that occur in the Sangha organization through the planning process and implementing those action plans until the problems that cause conflicts within the Sangha organization can be effectively solved. This process of suppressing the recitation in the Thai Sangha has been in use since the Buddha's time, having been inherited to tell stories with oral memory as well as written records that have continued for the millennium. It is worth studying and analyzing the benefits of these processes as a guideline for studying and understanding the process and procedures for the suspension of prayers in the Theravada Buddhist scriptures and the Supreme Sangha Law.

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How to Cite
Sumate Insakorn. (2021). Tactics for Solving Conflict Problems according to Buddhist concept: A study of the Applied principles of Tassapapiyasika in Athikaranasmatha 7 . Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(2), 55–67. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/253695
Academic Article


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