Local Administrator's Buddhist Way Leadership

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Sumate Insakorn


Leadership is more important for local governments to run organizations because local governments need leadership as a driving force for the development of local governments, and at the same time, leaders or executives should be the ones who apply the teachings of the Buddha to manage the community or organization happily, not conflict. The Buddha can be applied to the current administrative principles applied to the administration of local governments. of the heads of local governments, who are those who have authority and responsibility in local government agencies. And the characteristics of local administrators with leadership must be the characteristics outside of the internal characteristics that can cause others to conform, obey, and be willing to cooperate in their work. Using a management method consistent with Buddhist principles, the principles discovered by the Buddha can be used to develop leadership as a principle.be well managed.

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How to Cite
Insakorn, S. (2022). Local Administrator’s Buddhist Way Leadership . Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 5(1), 24–36. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/253742
Academic Article


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