Leadership according to Buddhist principles for administration.

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Phramaha Chatchai



          this academic article It aims to present the use of Buddhist principles in administration. to enable the organization to achieve its objectives because of corporate management in the current situation The inevitable need to use principles in management. Because the world in the present has changed rapidly both economic, social, political and technological environments, including new innovations for leadership that focuses on developing the organization towards excellence to achieve the goals of the organization quickly Especially in today's society where organizations are trying to look for management principles as a strategic plan in a social context. Buddhist principles that are of interest Therefore, it has been applied to the principles of management in the organization. To achieve sustainability and peaceful coexistence according to Buddhist guidelines It can be considered that Buddhism is an appropriate tool to be used in conjunction with the administration system. who want unity, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence can be integrated and is a guideline that is consistent with the management principles in the current situation Although it is a doctrine that has been around for a long time. But it also shows the rational achievement of being used as a leader in today's society.

Keywords: Leadership, Dharma, Buddhism, Administration

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How to Cite
songsroem, chatchai. (2022). Leadership according to Buddhist principles for administration. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 5(1), 37–49. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/253932
Academic Article


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