Local Leadership According to Buddhist Studies : Athikana Samatha, Mindfulness and Discipline for Resolving Family Conflicts

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Phra Nattorn Janthapunyo


How to resolve conflicts in today's society will see the clarity of the problem. Most of them are conflicts about religious principles. Political, governance, economic, social concepts, as well as the way of thinking of people in organizations, in society, and nations need to be systematically addressed according to principles. and how some nonviolent thinkers frame it. that some political scientists have framed that the clergy have framed Here we will present the basic dharmas for coexistence in unity. along with the principles and methods that the Lord Buddha had put and practiced in the Buddha's time Here, the dharma principles of the Buddha's teachings have been applied, namely attainment of samatha, the application of mindfulness and discipline. It was a method for solving conflicts in the Buddha's time when the Lord Buddha used his intelligence to effectively resolve conflicts consciously. Therefore, it has been used as a guideline to apply in solving conflicts that occur in the present day. where moral degradation leads to many social problems such as crime, prostitution, poverty, social inequality. Family problems, etc., are social crises that occur in Thai society at all levels, from family institutions to national institutions. Family problems are considered the first priority in society to resolve conflicts in today's era

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How to Cite
Phalee, N. (2022). Local Leadership According to Buddhist Studies : Athikana Samatha, Mindfulness and Discipline for Resolving Family Conflicts. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 5(1), 50–63. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/255565
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