- Management characteristics according to physical strength 4 in the egg-laying chick farm industry Nong Yai area Chonburi Province -

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Ntapat Worapongpat


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the characteristics of executives according to Physical Education Principle 4 in laying-chick farm industry. Nong Yai area Chonburi Province 2) To study the guidelines for developing the characteristics of executives according to the Physical Education Principle 4 in the laying hen farm industry. Nong Yai area Chonburi Province.

The case studies that are interested in this study are 1) having a vision according to the Principle of Physical Education 4 2) academic ability. communication and technology according to physical education principles 4 3) being an innovator and entrepreneur according to physical education principles 4 4) being a creator of positive energy and inspiration according to physical education principles 4 5) being a good role model according to physical education principles 4 6) building a learning community based on physical education principles 4.

The research findings from questionnaire sampling in terms of the general status of the respondents revealed that the characteristics of the executives according to the 4th physical education in the egg-laying chick farm industry. Nong Yai area Chonburi Province as a whole was practiced at a high level (= 4.00 S.D. = 0.52). When considering each aspect, it was found that most were at a high level. The aspect with the highest practice was the aspect of being a good role model according to the Principle of Physical Education 4 (= 4.15 S.D. =0.54). Followed by vision according to Physical Education 4 (= 4.03 S.D. = 0.59), academic, communication and technological abilities according to Physical Education 4 ( = 4.00 S.D. = 0.55). and positive inspiration according to Physical Education 4 (= 4.00 S.D. = 0.57), creating a learning community according to Physical Education 4 (x = 3.95 S.D. = 0.57) and being an innovator and entrepreneur. According to physical education 4 (= 3.89 S.D. = 0.56), respectively.

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How to Cite
Worapongpat, N. . (2024). - Management characteristics according to physical strength 4 in the egg-laying chick farm industry Nong Yai area Chonburi Province: -. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 7(1), 1–14. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/270279
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