The Meditation on Improving the Quality of Human Life

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Kanjana Hansriworapong
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


The The main purposes of this article that were to made meditation to improve quality of human life. The Reader have been knowledge and understanding to the values of meditate to can be used in the lifestyle whether benefit for themselves, society, nation and Buddhism. The result in development meditation effectively can be help people. They have a good health because they are happiness both mind and body. In addition to meditation effectively will take to society of peace because humans live together by understanding, mercy, and kindness to each other and do not encroach and it’s a succession of Buddhism to prosper. Therefore, it is seen that meditation has a tremendous value for those who understanding in practical meditation. If any person has been made meditation accurate that person may be pure and out of all suffering. They will find true happiness living with wisdom. As the Buddha’s word “The best life is living with wisdom”.

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How to Cite
Hansriworapong, K., & Thitapanyo, P. M. (2019). The Meditation on Improving the Quality of Human Life. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 19(1), 287–296. Retrieved from
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