The Factors Influencing the Digital Technology Strategy for Public Administration

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Thanachai Theerapattnavong
Pornnapa Tiasuthiku
Boonton Dockthaisong


The purposes of this study were : To analyze the factors influencing the digital technology strategy for public administration. For the qualitative data collection, survey questionnaire was the instrument to collect data from 400 representative samples The purposes of this study were : To analyze the factors influencing the digital technology strategy for public administration. For the qualitative data collection, survey questionnaire was the instrument to collect data from 400 representative samples working at government agencies under the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society. The sampling method used was accidental sampling or convenience sampling. The scope of error rate is 0.05. The analysis of collected data was undertaken by hypothesis testing with Stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The findings were as follows: Three factors affected the implementation results of the digital technology strategy for public administration, which were sorted by regression coefficient from high to low. The first factor was the digital technology strategy for public administration (β=.401), which consisted of such three variables as the objectives of a strategy, a possibility of a strategy and the values and benefits to society. The second factor was the external environment factor (β= .307), which comprised two variables of general and digital service environment. The last factor was the internal environment factor (β=.301), which constituted the two variables of strengths and weaknesses. These factors explained the variation of the implementation of the digital technology strategy for public administration at 82.00% (R2 = .820) at a significance level of 0.05. The results of the data analysis from focus group discussion and in-depth interviews were consistent with those of a quantitative research method. The findings showed that the factor most affecting the implementation was the digital technology strategy for public administration.

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How to Cite
Theerapattnavong, T., Tiasuthiku, P., & Dockthaisong, B. (2018). The Factors Influencing the Digital Technology Strategy for Public Administration. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 18(1), 201–210. retrieved from
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