An Analytical Study of the Development of the Wisdom by Way of Buddhist Ethics of the Meditation Centers in KhonKaen Province

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Chakkapan Wongpornpavan
Suwet Antreeworakul


The research objectives were to 1) to study the concept of the development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethics, 2) to study the development of the wisdom The research objectives were to 1) to study the concept of the development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethics, 2) to study the development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethicsof themeditation center in KhonKaen province, and 3) to an analytical study of the development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethics of the meditation centers in KhonKaen province. The result of research found that: the development of the wisdomby way of Buddhist ethicsmust adhere to the principle of a threefold process to achieve the ultimate goal of life, by the start from the main precepts or regulations to be right speech, to be right action, and to be right livehood. It is guided and directed the actions of assembly tasks to successfully achieve good. Then raised to the level of concentration or mental training process, to develop mental consciousnessto be balance between body and mind, it is a processof advocating for getting things into your life away with high efficiency. And the last is the intellectual or cognitive processes, it is a way of training for the knowledge and wisdom, it has resulted in attitudes, beliefs, and valuesthe right idea, it is a process that can develop high intelligence and self-control in the various conditions took the life as well.

The result of researchof the development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethics of themeditation center in KhonKaen provincefound that all three meditation centers had taken the inside factor, that was a Buddhist ethics, it consists of the threefold through links with Noble Eightfold Path, that was the introduction to the Noble Eightfold Path, thatwas the practice to only three categories, that is a group of morality, a group concentration, and a group of wisdom, at the same time, the 3 meditation centers are also led the 4 foundation of mindfulness (Satipatthana 4) to a guideline to practice along with the threefold in orderto allow the meditator to consider the emotions of consciousness, namely, contemplation of the body,contemplation of feeling,contemplation of mind and contemplation of mind-objects, with the thought of the idea to achieve to development of the wisdom at the level of reaching the truth of life. In addition, the three meditation centers have brought external factors as the suitable things, there are four main types: suitable abode, suitable food, suitable person, and suitable Dhamma. It was a framework for the development of the physical environment, which is appropriate, comfortable and conducive to the development of internal factors fully.

The result of development of the wisdom by way of Buddhist ethics of the meditation centers in KhonKaen province found that all three meditation centersusedthe four foundations of mindfulness (Satipatthana 4) as a guide in the development of the wisdomto the monks novicesand people, by focusing on the understanding of the tools of physical, mental,mind, and Dhammas (mindfulness of the body, mindfulness of feelings or sensations,mindfulness of mind or consciousness andmindfulness of Dhammas).The main effect of bringing the Stipatthana 4 to use in everyday life, found that: Knowingly making a state of emotion that comes with an external impact can be improved to be good, Knowingly makingto understand the state of the real life, adherence to make things less, make turned himself in to learn more, can adapt itself to a changing world better, do not knowingly disturbed state of mind is not enslaved by temptation that will lead to a deterioration in life, know what to do and should not do, knowing what is right and wrong, Know as a way of avoiding deterioration, and behave in the principle of morality.

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How to Cite
Wongpornpavan, C., & Antreeworakul, S. (2018). An Analytical Study of the Development of the Wisdom by Way of Buddhist Ethics of the Meditation Centers in KhonKaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 18(2), 209–220. Retrieved from
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