The Approach to Develop Social Studies Teaching According to Buddhist Method at Thailand 4.0

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Vitthaya Thongdee
Suphawit Rompaen


Education is an important heart to drive for the nation development. It is
mechanize for building the foundation of man resource. It is the point to begin for
making career lead to drive economic growth, stability of country. Learning management on the social studies essential group. It is an important factor in the other characteristics development of the learners to have the quality, capacity and high skill, to realize social change, to learn how to live in the society and live with other people happily. To be a good citizen, reasonable, meritorious thought, creative thinking, follow the virtues
suitable, balance and sustainable. The qualifications of teacher who teach social studies at Thailand 4.0 period. The teacher has to student participate and real practice or step until getting knowledge by themselves, stimulate or inspire them to love in learning, teach them to have skill in various aspect, for example, social, thinking, decision making and problem solving skill, it is also to teach them have correct learning process, balance with life skill including virtues and ethics, value in accordance with sufficient economic philosophy principles, the 12 values of present government, It’s should be integrated in teaching according to the 3 Buddhist doctrines i.e. 1. learning begin at self learning by teaching to has 1) Chanda; aspiration by having love to learn 2) Viriya; effort to seek the knowledge 3) Citta; thoughtfulness by not living by doing thing, 4) Vimamsa; investigation by using wisdom to exam the doing thing for improvement. 2. Learning has to go with practice that meant learning by doing. It is necessary for the learner to get really wisdom in all things 3.Learning has to go with enjoy learning. The learners must have happiness to free from ignorance i.e. play way: playing is learning, to tell tale or case study or
leaning by doing.

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How to Cite
Thongdee, V., & Rompaen, S. (2018). The Approach to Develop Social Studies Teaching According to Buddhist Method at Thailand 4.0. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 18(2), 281–294. Retrieved from
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