Developing a Structural Relationship Model of Causal Factors of Strategic Leadership Influencing the Effectiveness of School Administrators under the Office of KhonKaen Primary Educational Service Area 1

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Chirapong Chaiyos
Sompong Chasingkaew


The objectives of this research were : 1) to verify a congruence of developing the aforesaid model under the office of KKPESA 1 with the existing empirical data and 2) to study a direct, an indirect and a combined influence of the factors influencing the effectiveness of school administrators under the office of the KKPESA 1. The samples for the present study consisted of the school administrators and the teachers taken from the school under the office of KKPESA 1, a total number of which were 570 cases. The research tool was the set of questionnairs with the five-level rating scale of the overall items value at 0.96 which was in accord with that of content validity between 0.86-1.00 through the index of congruence (IOC) technique. The computer program was applied for The data analysis.
The research findings were as follows: 
1. As regards the development of a structural relationship model of causal factors of strategic leadership influencing the effectiveness of school administrators under the office of the KKPESA 1, It consisted of five latent causal variables and nineteen observable ones on one hand and one latent result variable and four observable ones with a total number of six latent variables as well as twenty-three ones, a grand total number of which were twenty-nine ones on the other.
2. As regards the verification of the congruence of the afore-mentioned model under the office as the abovesaid model which was developed by the research on the basis of the existing the empirical data was in agreement with the value of Chisquare (x2) at 217.070 degree of freedom at 185 and probability value (p-value) at 0.065 including Chisquare deviated by free degree of x2/df = 1.173, the index of Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.018, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.964, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.945 receptively.
3. The variable affecting directly the effectiveness of school administrators at the highest level was the organizational directions, second to which was the morality and the least one was the implication of strategices. the variable affecting it indirectly at the highest level was the vision, second to which was the implication of strategices and the least one was the control and strategy evaluation. the variable affecting it jointly at the highest level was the organizational directions, second to which was the vision and the least one was the implication of strategices.

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How to Cite
Chaiyos, C., & Chasingkaew, S. (2018). Developing a Structural Relationship Model of Causal Factors of Strategic Leadership Influencing the Effectiveness of School Administrators under the Office of KhonKaen Primary Educational Service Area 1. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 18(3), 19–28. retrieved from
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