Rule of a Good Household Life and Human Developments

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Prasit Wongsritep
Suwin Thongpan
Phra Thossathep Dhasahammo (Wanichat)
Prapas Kaewketpong


The objective of this article is to present the life development for householder using Gharavasa-Dhammas in order to strengthen family institution according to the Buddhist philosophy. Life development need to develop body, mind, and wisdom. The Dhamma principle use for life development is Gharavasa – Dhammas. The 4 elements of Gharavasa -Dhammas are; 1) truth and honesty, 2) Dama consists of; know to control emotions, withhold feelings that cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and improve and training oneself, 3) Khanti; tolerance, and 4) Jaka such as; sharing and liberality. The life development will make family happiness and living together with happiness in society.

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How to Cite
Wongsritep, P., Thongpan, S., (Wanichat), P. T. D., & Kaewketpong, P. (2019). Rule of a Good Household Life and Human Developments. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 19(3), 265–274. Retrieved from
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