Role of Leader in the New Paradigm

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Chao Athikan Bunchuai Chotivungso (Auiwong)


Thailand is still in a transitional paradigm, many of which have not been crystallized yet. Every citizen has feelings of hardship and it causes the conflict. And when it
approaches the conflict management in the using the process of resolving disputes by choice or negotiations with the mediator is both science and new art which society still doesn't understand. It is not a science experiment that can be duplicated by anyone to get the same result. But as a social process that requires unique skills that must be practiced as a paradigm of sports, music and many more so for resolving such problems. We need to develop the role of each organization better. To create a centralized leadership is both science and art in a new paradigm by developing core consists of Merit System, Performance System and competency by leading organizations such as the middleman. It must include the major role of a visionary. The strategy is the potential for modification. This is ability to self-control and the use of empowering others.

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How to Cite
Chotivungso (Auiwong), C. A. B. (2019). Role of Leader in the New Paradigm. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 19(1), 297–308. Retrieved from
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