Health Promotion for Thai Elderly People

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Chayaporn Boonruangsak
Supaporn Sudnongbua


The numbers of elderly people are increasing rapidly. It is predicted that the numbers of Thai elderly people in 2020 will increase to almost 11 million people. This change is the result of the decreasing birth rate and the longer life from modern technology in medical treatment and health promotion. However, the elderlypopulation usually suffer from a chronic disease which keeps increasing and leads to disability which needs to rely on others in daily life. Therefore, the potential development of health leader proactively by integrating every sector for family members, caretakers, health personnel, volunteers and the elderly people is the method that supports elderly people to access the health service appropriately. Moreover, this creates the participation of every sector to take care, treat, and support the health status of the elderly people to have the quality life. This study and literature review about Health Promotion for Thai Elderly People is composed and presented by 5 parts which consist of, 1) elderly people situation in Thailand, 2) the importance of health promotion for Thai elderly people, 3) health promotion for Thai elderly strategy, 4) health promotion for Thai elderly people implementation standards, 5) help and care to promote Thai elderly people.

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How to Cite
Boonruangsak, C., & Sudnongbua, S. (2019). Health Promotion for Thai Elderly People. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 19(4), 199–208. Retrieved from
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