Five Precepts in Buddhism and Anuport in Jainism

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Chuarchun Wangthaphan
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


Five Precepts in Buddhism and Anuport in Jainism provide identically principles which are to abstain from killing living beings, to abstain from taking what is not given, to abstain from sexual misconduct, to abstain from false speech and to abstain from intoxicating drinks and drugs. People would have valuable life and effective law in the society whether globally people regard to the 5 precepts as Buddhist and Anuport in Jainism. Furthermore, the society will be a more peaceful place under the conditions of human existence.

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How to Cite
Wangthaphan, C., & Thitapanyo, P. M. (2019). Five Precepts in Buddhism and Anuport in Jainism. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 19(4), 123–132. Retrieved from
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