Right Livelihood of Farmers in Mueang Nakhonsawan District

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Rungtiwa Santiphontam
Sirirote Namsena


Farming is Thailand’s most vital profession; they are treasure that sustains food for the people. But the farmer’s way of life is influenced by their way of thinking. Being a farmer in Mueang Nakhonsawan District is not a happy career, farmers work under the sun and must adapt from any difficulties and challenges of life.
This article points out the Noble Eightfold Path that is primarily navigates the eight applications for adoption sustainable solutions. Their adversity relies on principles of Buddhism in order to have an honest way of life (Sammathitti). By relying on good friends (Kanlayanamitra), thinking carefully and following the eight path ways of Buddha (Aryanmagga) to get rid of suffering. Using the ways of Buddha shows us how to adapt and use his ways in any situations we are in. The Buddhism was named Religion of Wisdom. It is a universal application for all ages events.

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How to Cite
Santiphontam , R. ., & Namsena, S. . (2020). Right Livelihood of Farmers in Mueang Nakhonsawan District . Dhammathas Academic Journal, 20(3), 247–258. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/163671
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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