The Garavasadhamma for Householder THE GARAVASADHAMMA FOR HOUSEHOLDER

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Pichit Phongket
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayana


This article presents the main Gharavasadhamma 4 is a principle that the happiness, prosperity and harmony in coexistence. Both husband and wife are truth, be honest with each other. ทมะ known self-restraint, not behave according to the passion, patience, tolerance toward things. That the impact of self and I know the sacrifice share their things to others. When the husband and wife are followed Gharavasadhamma 4 reasons and make a householder. There is love and unity in the family, not divided divorced is a form of spouse with stability. So, the on duty. A good wife to Na main Gharavasadhamma 4 respects. In Theravada Buddhism, was applied to scavenging. Will fix schism divorced spouses of husband and wife. Keep the family happy and more complete.

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How to Cite
Phongket, P. ., & Sudhikhambhirayana, P. . (2020). The Garavasadhamma for Householder: THE GARAVASADHAMMA FOR HOUSEHOLDER. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 20(4), 165–172. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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