Sufficiency School Administration Model for a Learning Center Basing on the Philosophical Principles of Sufficiency Economy in Opportunity Extension Schools

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Nantawadee Phumkerd
Supachai Tawee
Teeppipat Suntawan


This research aimed to: 1) study the current state of sufficiency school administration for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools, 2) develop the sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools, 3) experiment the sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools. The research method is research and development and qualitative. The research 3 steps, one step study the current state of sufficiency school administration for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools. Two step develop the sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools. Three step experiment the sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools.
The findings revealed as follows:
1. It was found that for sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools the implementation was done in the aspects of 1) readiness of personnel, 2) administration and management, 3) learning management, 4) student activities and school activities, 5) obvious changes, 6) results extension potentiality with quality and efficiency.
2. The sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools comprised 3 parts, 1) Introduction consisting of ideas, principles, and purposes. 2) Contents consisting of components and process of sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools. 3) Conditions for success.
3. After experimenting the sufficiency school administration model for a learning center basing on the philosophical principles of sufficiency economy in the educational aspect of educational opportunity extension schools, it was found that the satisfaction of school administrators and teachers was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phumkerd, N. ., Tawee, S. ., & Suntawan, T. . (2021). Sufficiency School Administration Model for a Learning Center Basing on the Philosophical Principles of Sufficiency Economy in Opportunity Extension Schools. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 103–118. Retrieved from
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