Factors Related to Successful Mediation: A Case Study of Na Di Community Justice Center, Yang Talat District, Kalasin Province

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Komson Khumpratum
Grichawat Lowacharin


The current study aimed to examine mediation processes, conditions related to mediation success, and problems of Na Di Community Justice Center. We employed a single case study design with document analysis and in-depth interviews of 21 key informants, including community justice center committee members and parties from both successful and unsuccessful mediation.
Findings reveal that: Na Di Community Justice Center operates with inputs from local residents, has outstanding performance, and is efficient, which is different from other community justice centers in other neighboring subdistricts. Factors contributed to success of mediation are: mediators, financial resources, location, disputing parties, mediation process, and related government agencies. Problems found in operating the center are: insufficient personnel for legal and clerical work, lack of morale, and lack of legal knowledge and skills. For more efficient and effective operation, the center should have sufficient staff members, provide on-going legal trainings for mediators, and set up a data management system for further use.

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How to Cite
Khumpratum, K. ., & Lowacharin, G. . (2021). Factors Related to Successful Mediation: A Case Study of Na Di Community Justice Center, Yang Talat District, Kalasin Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 127–136. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/177365
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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