Garāvāsa Dhamma: Sustainable Corruption Prevention

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Phitsanu Homsombat
Phrapalad Phakharat Siltecho
Saard Poonasron


This academic article aims to present the principle of living is called "4 lay principles" is the principle of the householder, which has 4 points: 1. Truth is acting with integrity, not corrupt, not deceitful, telling the truth, and being honest in his work duties. Their 2. Thma is self training. And restrained himself from becoming clinged to evil Is greedy to have things that are not their own, anger, delusions, have both mental and intellectual improvements to improve the flaws in their work or actions. 3. Khạnti is patience. Here it means to endure the temptation. To the sensuality that will take over the mind of their own, not to go astray to commit that offense Including things that are not desirable mentally, such as difficulty in work. Curse from others 4. Jaga is this sacrifice, including the reluctance, the relentless emotion of one's heart not clinging to the things that provoke our minds. Sacrifice from happiness and his own interests, including his departure from passion, makes him open-minded. Know how to be generous and ready to face suffering with others.

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How to Cite
Homsombat, P. ., Siltecho, P. P. ., & Poonasron, S. . (2021). Garāvāsa Dhamma: Sustainable Corruption Prevention. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 159–170. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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